Friday, February 20, 2009

Tired Mama

So this blog thing is more work than I thought. I just can't seem to think of anything to write about, on a daily basis, that may be interesting enough to read. Okay, and also I love Wife Swap too much. There it is...that's the real problem here. Once the girls are in bed and I actually have time to sit and write, I'm already plopped down, mainly from pure exhaustion, in front of the TV to veg until bedtime. And this is NEVER how I plan it. In fact today I was feeling soooo good that around 4 I started fantasizing about what to do with that oh so precious time when it's sooooo quiet in the house. and peaceful. and quiet. I had visions of me scrapbboking the night away, or one of my other the house. I'm serious. But alas, they're in bed and all I want to do is zone out! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????

Thank goodness I take a lot of pictures, I'll let them tell the story of our lives...
I found the greatest book for Bible stories and crafts. This really is one of the best craft books for kids I've ever seen. These are some pictures of the girls making their own hard cover book, complete with hand-sewn pages and contact paper!

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