Thursday, March 25, 2010

There is a list a mile long I am trying to catch up on...

Need to get registered for the classes I'm planning on taking this summer,
Worry about said classes,
Signing up girls for summer camp,
Major paperwork regarding an issue I will expand on at a later date,
Planning short trip with family to Chicago in May (trying to squeeze in as many sights as possible in our short time frame, including but not yet limited to Cubs game and shopping at American Girl Store),
Need to still fill out a FAFSA form,
Must get in paperwork (8 pages) for Workforce One scholarship,
Trying not to lose the 100 raffle tickets that are in my care,
Getting girls ready for softball this summer,
VBS craft lady...ME,
Sunday School lesson for Easter (the BIG one),
And how to pay for it all...

P.S. Not to mention all the great books I'm trying to read!

1 comment:

Michelle Burry said...

Good gracious, Alice! I'm tired just from reading your list! Looks like lots of fun, though. ;)