Friday, October 17, 2008

Homeschool Rollerskating

What a blast we had today! Every 3rd Friday of
each month USA hosts a skate only for home schoolers!
So we went today for the first time and the girls loved it. Emily needed help around the rink one time and then was off on her own round and round, over and over. Grace took a bit longer but eventually, after Mommy and Daddy were completely worn out, she gave it a go and did it all alone. That is until two little 4th grade girls thought she was too cute to skate alone and hung by her side the rest of the time. And this, sadly, is the only picture I got. My batteries died as soon as we got there...

On a low note, we rented Prince of Egypt from the library for "enrichment" of our Bible story for today and Emily ended up heart broken and crying after the plague killed the first born of the Egyptians. How do you explain that to a 7 year old?

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