Well, a lot going on around the Merrill household. Big changes people. I think I need to have my medication increased.
We are thinking very seriously about sending the little ones back to school. That's right...public school. Which to me sounds like government school which to me sounds like indoctrination which to me sounds SCARY!!!
But, I just don't know if I can do it any longer...I just don't think 24 hours a day with these little ones pecking away at me can go on much longer. It's all day. It's all night. My 2 hour break finally comes at 8pm when they finally go to bed. And I can't take it anymore!!
My heart has been jumping all over the place the past few days. The thought of it on a purely selfish level makes me delirious with glee. Then is washes away to guilt and I can barely breathe.
So, there it is. Mark is almost completely against it.
Quick story...yesterday the girls and I walked down to the corner to collect some sticks to glue to the side of a box to make a log cabin. As we're walking by one of our neighbors houses he says "Do you mind me asking why aren't your kids in school?" I wish I would have said "Do you mind me asking- do you even know my #$@^&*% name" But I politly told him we homeschool to which he said "Oh, so you're the one who's doing that." I AM SO SICK OF VIRTUAL STRANGERS THINKING THAT I CARE ABOUT THEIR STUPID OPINIONS ON HOMESCHOOLING!!!
You could have said, "Yes, I AM that lady. My children are a little too smart for our public school system and the school didn't know how to handle it. Instead of sending them to college, we decided to keep them home a few extra years." You might have added, "Mind your own &%$# business."
Alice, I just love your honesty and passion. It's so obvious how much you care about your girls. I have been in the exact same position as you every year! For instance, I had some errands to do yesterday and I refused to tell them where I was going!!! I knew if I said, they would want to go too and I needed some time away. (Cell phone equipped, off I went). Now, I know that you can't leave your girls, but may I suggest some "Alice Time". I've got two girls who would love to hang out with your little girls...Call me!
Alice you crack me up. I would have just said "yes, I do mind." I wish I were smart enough to teach my kids anything! I'm with you about the down time. You absolutely need some 'mommy alone time' to maintain your sanity. Hang in there, you are doing a great job!!
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