Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I love the conversations I have with my husband...

Him: Glad you finally got rid of those raw cookies in the fridge.
Me:  Have you been eating them...raw?
Him: Yeah, at night with a glass of milk.
Me: Raw?
Him: They're delicious!
Me: What!!!
Him: (arms thrown up in triumph) You can't kill me with a raw cookie!!

What Mark Sees...Yummy!

What Alice Sees...Salmonella.


Michelle Burry said...

You crack me up, Alice! I MISS you!! :(

Jen said...

Good thinking, Mark! I love raw cookie dough! I miss you, Alice Merrill!!!!!

Anne Wierenga said...

When I get better I'll make him a batch of my regionally famous cookies that are poison free. You can take all the credit and tell him you've been holding back all these years.