Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well, this has been a fabulous Miles family reunion weekend. Miles was the last name of my great grandparents, George and Florence. They had 7 children. Six girls (Virginia, Patty, Donita, Nancy, Eileen and Tina) and one son, Joe. My grandma was Virginia. She had 9 children, the 5th one being my dad, Mark Kensinger. Then Donita had 5, Nancy had 9, Eileen had 3, and Joe had 4. My great grandparents raised their family in Plymouth after moving here from Hugo Colorado in the 1930's. I don't remember my great grandpa. I only remember the day he died. I remember my dad sitting me on his lap in the evening and telling me he had died. I must have been about 5. But I sure remember my great grandma. She was something. She lived alone for 20 some years after my grandpa died. She was as tiny and delicate a person as I've ever seen. I spent the night with her a couple times when I was younger. It used to freak me out. Her house was HUGE and old. I used to sleep upstairs in my Aunt Tina's room and I would lay awake for hours waiting for some ghost to come floating into my room. But in the light hours I loved to be with her.
But mostly I loved my Grandma Kensinger. She died 2 years ago. She would have loved this weekend.
It started out on Friday at the Conservation club house in Plymouth. We had a pizza party/talent show with cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a beautiful afternoon and a perfect evening. My brother brought his catapults and rubber band machine gun, which were a huge hit. The young people had a ball shooting stuff across the field out back. My daughters made me so proud. They are such shy little creatures. But they got up in front of everyone and Emily did the preamble to the Constitution and Grace did the beginning of the Gettysburg's Address.
Then Saturday we all met at Centennial Park for a rainy day picnic in the pavilion. But, the rain really didn't dampen our fun. We had games and crafts and water balloons, which I think the kids had as much fun filling them up as they did throwing them at each other. We had fabulous food and lots of catching up. And finally today we had Mass at my great grandmas church. And then goodbye's.
Some of these people I'm really going to miss.
Oh, and let me tell you the devastation I've been dealing with all digital camera broke!! I had to use film!! So, no pictures yet, until my cousins get some posted...

1 comment:

Pages In Time Forever said...

SO glad you had such a fabulous weekend! :)