Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daddy Daughter Dance

Well, the girls are off with their daddy for their 5th DDDance!
Don't they look so pretty?

I dabbed a little mascara on each of them and a bit of perfume on their beautiful little wrists and daddy adorned them with the prettiest corsages. They are such lovely little creatures. I just love seeing how they've grown.
Grace told Emily she looked like a "lady."
Now let's discuss their dresses.
We have decided that clothing is not going to be a hill we're going to die on. Providing it follows our 4 simple rules:
1. It must be modest.
2. No peace symbols.
3. It must not imply that becoming a "rock star" is the best thing my kids should aim for.
4. It can't be something that I know they'll get laughed at for wearing.
I'm actually not even going to have a battle regarding clothing. Yes, sitting there in the dressing room looking at them in the more traditional dresses they put on for my sake, I wanted so much to say "I'm paying for it, I get to pick it." But the dresses they wanted followed the rules. While they may not be my taste, they are their own little selves. I'll guide them as much as I can and long for the days when it was up to me. But really, does it matter? They thought they were beautiful and that's what really matters to me.

What I wanted:

What Grace wanted (in all it's stretchy glory...):

Thank heavens they only had it in pink. Which was only half as offensive to the senses as the one pictured above. Emily's was actually nice, and since they only had one size left to pick from it looks like she can wear it to maybe her prom.

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